News and events

How to conduct great collective research?

BIBS has sponsored a research project led by Martin Beaulieu and Claudia Rebolledo from HEC Montréal. This paper delves into the competencies crucial for successful collaborative research in Supply Chain Management and has just been published in a top journal: the International Journal of Logistic Management!
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A strategic partnership with the European University Miguel de Cervantes

BIBS and the European University Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC) signed an agreement for the launch of a new international Executive MBA and DBA program in Czech Republic.
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Why use social media for knowledge transfer across the supply chain?

Associate Researcher at BIBS in cooperation with professors from Kedge Business School in France published an article in Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. The paper looks at how social media can be used for informal knowledge sharing in the supply chain, notably in a cultural context where informalization is preferred, such as China.
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What knowledge to teach entrepreneurship?

BSSI associate researcher has published a paper entitled "Entrepreneurship training: the relevant types of knowledge for the development of Entrepreneurial Intention" in the journal "Formation emploi".
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How to facilitate the adoption of teleworking platforms?

Recent publication at BIBS Raphael in the Journal of Business Research entitled: ‘The adoption of remote work platforms after the Covid-19 lockdown: New approach, new evidence’.
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How to create a disposition toward sustainability in the supply chain?

Associate researcher at BIBS has published an article in the Special Issue on Practicing Sustainability in Operations & Supply Chain Management of the Supply Chain Forum: an international journal. The paper is entitled: 'Dispositions and conditioning towards sustainability in the supply chain: a habitus perspective in the field of shipping'.
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Zhang Qingrui

"Through my study at BIBS, I have expanded my international vision, enhanced my professional knowledge, and improved my leadership skills."
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Matěj Mikšík

"BIBS was for me a great possibility to meet more people interested in new ways of managing organisation and doing business development."
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Silvia Kuzma

"I started to study at BIBS in my late twenties aiming to get a promotion in the back office department of a well-established bank in Slovakia. I found the flexibility and variety of subjects taught at BIBS very appealing."
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Stanislav Ján Droppa

"The school met my expectations, not only at academic level but at the practical level because courses were primary taught by successful executives eager to share their professional experiences."
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Marek Cagášek

"I gradually implemented my growing business skills and knowledge in my work activities, which resulted in constant growth of the company."
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Adam Pavlik

"BIBS allowed me to discover a lot of smart people, who have a genuine interest in learning cutting-edge business concepts and management methodologies."
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